onsdag 26. august 2015

Window of Light

From Kviteseid Old Church

There is a window of light.
Through thick, whitewashed medieval walls, natural light streams in and brightens the inner room. As I stand in the comfort of its beams, I rest my eyes upon the framed image of the outside light. Out there, all is daylight and summer. Out there, all is blissfully warm and pleasant. The window is an opening, a glimpse of hope for this world and for the one to come.

            This particular window is in Kviteseid Old Church, and it sheds light on the altar ring. On the altar itself are two large candles, giving a warm glow of light in the cool and shaded room. These candles are lit during the church service, and all the symbolism of light, warmth, vision, reality seen, all allusions due to the God of light, play in the mind of the believer. As the natural light pours in through the small widows, pockets of light trump the darkness and testify of a God who is there. Inside the sanctuary, sources of light – candles and windows testify to a God who is here.

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