tirsdag 27. desember 2016
Truth, Views and Truth Claims
When I was young I thought all wars were over. I thought racism was a thing of the past.
The naiveté and innocence which penetrated my concepts of this world were like a buffer towards angry Marxist-Leninists in my high school class. I guess I represented most of what they hated: I was a professing Christian, politically non-socialist, pro-Israel, pro-USA. Even with all their spite and malice, they did not impress me as believable.
They did not scare me then, but as I entered into the world of academia, I noticed the compulsion this group of young radicals spread around them. I noticed, with some fear, the sharp rhetoric and the brute force of words and actions. They were like an intellectual elite, licking up liquid power, where it was seeping out of the established power structures.
For many of my co-students, they were trendy. A trend is a fad. I figured it would pass; and it did. The new trend was a rather opposite one, but perhaps not any more constructive. It was a yappie-culture, where good looks, expensive clothes were important, and striving to outscore any competitor by sacrificing anything at one's disposal. It was displaying a spirit of superiority. Capitalism as an economic idea needs to be curtailed by ethics, and biblical ethical principles are well fit for the task. Without that, it will easily result in greed, exploitation, stealing, shady deals and cover-up and more of the same kind.
In my student years in the 70ties and 80ties we heard about conflicts in the Middle East. We heard about 'Arabs' (which was a more generic term for large people groups in the the vast Middle East region) - we heard that there were inhumane slaughter, thousands of people killed, but thought it was a domestic issue. We knew about the extreme differences between rich and poor in the oil-rich Arab states, and we thought this was part of their culture. No one really knew much about Islam. It was not a Western religion, it did not penetrate our societies.
The radical Marxist-Leninists did engage in the conflicts. Through their world view of understanding all conflicts as class struggle, and the proletariat as the under-dog fighting a superior power structure, they redefined the underdog as the particular group fighting for domain over the land strip called Israel, a group in time called the Palestinians. Why they did not identify the persecuted Jewish population of this world and their fight for survival as the struggling proletariat is in fact surprising, for Israel grew very much on the basic communist ideals in living in communes, sharing wealth. Among European Jewry, there were many who sided with the Marxist ideals, so the connection would seem natural. Established old timer politician in the Labour-movement were solid supporters of Israel as a state and of the opportunity for Jews world wide to settle there. Not so the hot-headed Marxist-Leninists: for Israel had support in the US. In their compulsive and rigid interpretation of this world, aided by the rhetoric of Edward Said and other neo-Marxist intellectuals, they identified the weak/strong struggle in the south/north, and Israel became a protrusion of the western capitalist usurper and exploiter of the poor.
A lie may become believable, if told enough times.
The goals justify the means in Marxist thinking. If it is beneficial to lie, so be it.
Postmodern confusion and despair has come as a lethargic blanket over this. There are still Marxist-Leninists, and they have all become comfortably part of the society at large, not needing to live any consequence of their philosophy. Most teaching these days - of 'great importance' is found in academia, where the faithful still refuse to believe that the Marxist theories they studied so hard and finally understood, have no relevance in the real world.
Postmodernism has many facets, some constructive, some destructive and some deconstructive. The confusion many people feel about what to think and how to express it is caused partly by the attack on language as a means of communicating truth. Any statement may be taken to be subjective, incomplete, potentially wrong, ambiguous, etc. and it leaves any proponent of any view in the quagmire of relativism: Your truth is not my truth; you have no authority in your words. There is no truth as such.
Some like to use the same strategy against the proponents of non-sence and use the same method for claiming that they are necessarily wrong. The challenge still subsists: how do we claim anything to be true?
I suppose that is all I will do: Proclaim truth I hold to be true. If they really are true, they will reveal themselves as such.
I believe in one God, the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God,
begotten of the Father before all ages,
God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten not made,
being of one substance with the Father,
through Whom all things were made:
Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven,
was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man:
Who for us, too, was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
suffered, and was buried:
the third day He rose according to the Scriptures,
ascended into heaven, and is seated on the right hand of the Father:
He shall come again with glory to judge the living
and the dead, and His kingdom shall have no end.
And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of life,
Who proceeds from the Father and the Son:
Who together with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified:
Who spoke by the prophets.
And I believe one holy, Christian, and apostolic Church.
I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins, and I look for the resurrection of the dead and life of the age to come.
mandag 26. desember 2016
The Second Day of Christmas
I was up early, as normal, and had coffee and a light
breakfast of flatbread with goat cheese. The cat was nested sleepily in his
bowl. Outside the night was still spreading its blanket of darkness. A few
drops of precipitation blinked in the lamplight.
Quiet. Peace. Rest.
I remembered parties, with festivity, hustle and bustle,
food, laughter. I remembered a dear friend, and I sent her a greeting on
Facebook. I love my greater family, but we have made it contingent on the road
conditions if we will see each other during this season. Earlier years we had
made plans, and we truly risked life and limbs in the transport. This year –
perhaps a bit wiser, as we are older, we said: let’s see what the weather
As the snow flakes turned to rain and again to snow or
sleet, my oldest son and I enjoyed a lengthy morning chat about theology –
about the understanding of baptism in the Reformed and the Lutheran tradition,
about the value in different aspects of forms of worship, the liturgical, the
non-liturgical; the need for disciple-making in the local churches, the
understanding of ‘nature’ and roles in spiritual leadership –
I thought: times like these are precious; and they come
about because we have time. Outside I see the lake with a silvery surface, the
forest is partly frosted over, and I hear no sound of any snowplow or sand
truck. I think we will continue to enjoy the local setting and perhaps move
about on foot.
onsdag 7. desember 2016
Speed of Light
Google tells me it is 340 years since the speed of light was
I don’t think light has a constant speed, because it is
It is not good enough to assume that it keeps on when we
cannot see it.
There is a Lux Aeterna,
God’s light, which penetrates through all sorts of physical barriers. It is a
light in a different world; it is an eternal light. As such, motion is not an
Yesterday I had a small devotion during Assembly at school.
I was given a text to deliberate on, but I opted to light a candle and simply
read it – read it slowly, as when you recite poetry –
“For unto us a child
is born.
Unto us a Son is
And the government
will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be
Wonderful, Counselor,
Mighty God,
Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace.”
Then a small group of seniors from the English class stood
up and sang, with clear and soft voices: “Silent night, Holy night! All is
calm. All is bright. Round yon virgin mother and child, Holy Infant, so tender
and mild. Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace.”
All the students rose to join a verse in the Norwegian
version which starts with : Fred på jord, fryd på jord... Peace on earth, joy
on earth…
If you want to measure the speed of light in set physical
conditions, there is value to that, but this doesn’t even come close to the
immediate soul penetrating light from the realm of God!
lørdag 26. november 2016
onsdag 23. november 2016
Norsk nærsynthet og norske briller
tenker folk i Norge at Trump er eksponent for en ‘ekstrem˙høyre’ retning?
Jeg leser
kommentarer i avisene og hører en og annen ytring, og det forundrer meg hvor
feil de tar. Det er som om de registrerer
ulike trender i Europa,
trender som roper på nasjonalisme og utestenging av mennesker fra ulike andre kulturer, som tar
til orde for at noen mennesker er mer verd enn andre , osv. Vi kan med fordel være på vakt over slike
trender i våre samfunn. De er destruktive og menneskefiendtlige. Vi kan gå dem
i møte, ideologisk. Vi argumenterer ut fra en bevissthet om at ethvert menneske
er verdifullt. Begrunnelsen finner vi i
at vi alle står overfor Gud som skaper livet.
Men hvor
kommer den påtroppende presidenten i USA, Donald Trump, inn i dette? Hvor står
amerikanerne i denne sammenhengen? Jeg har bodd 20 år i Ohio, og jeg kjenner
republikanere av ulike slag, demokrater og partipolitisk uavhengige velgere. Å
overføre Europas trender og holdninger på USA er en blødme basert i bind
uvitenhet. Trump selv kan ikke kalles noe typisk ’ekstrem høyre’-figur. Han er
pragmatiker og ikke ideolog. Han var tidligere New York-demokrat, nå er han med
nød og neppe en ’republikaner’. Han var
ikke i Tea-party Movement eller i andre sterkt ideologiske grupper, men han har
uttrykt noe om isolasjonisme. Har en rekke verdier jeg ikke vil kalle typisk
republikanske – moralsk sett. Avisene Dagen og Vårt Land har fått det for seg
at han var kristen, og det oppfattet
de som bortimot blasfemisk. Jeg er ikke den som skal dømme hjertene – alene Gud
tar den jobben – men jeg kan ikke se at Trump er mer eller mindre kristen enn
våre egne stortingsrepresentanter, som fordi de engang ble døpt, kan kalles
kristne, i alle fall kulturelt sett.
bedrevitere i Norge snakker om republikanerne i USA som om de var eksponenter
for Europas høyreekstremisme, lurer
jeg seriøst på hvilken horisont de forholder seg til. Er Europa alt som
egentlig eksisterer, er det egentlige utspring for enhver ideologi, og andre
deler av verden fungerer som en gjenklang?
USA er et
unikum. Det er et konstruert samfunn, med innsats og godvilje fra så mange som
mulig, for at hjulene skal fortsette å rulle. Det er et sprikende og
konfronterende samfunn, hvor det finnes mange stemmer på en gang. Det er
et levende demokrati, og jeg tror at styrken i det amerikanske samfunn ligger
i muligheten til åpenhet og frihet til å tenke annerledes. Jeg ser ikke bort i fra at det kan finnes
’høyreekstremisme’, og den er i tillegg anti-establishment, anti-government, og
ligger lavt i terrenget som en sur liten understrøm av rasisme og
smålighet. Men det er ikke rasistisk og
snakke om problemet med illegale immigranter. Selv ikke i Norge liker vi når
noen sniker i køen. Selv ikke i Norge er det uproblematisk å oppholde seg i
Norge illegalt. Det finnes like mye ’venstre-ekstremisme’ blant folk i USA. Det
finnes også mange kristne, av ulike retninger. De bærer også sitt politiske
ansvar på eget ideologisk grunnlag.
Jeg er
ikke noe Trump-fan, men jeg vil respektere det valg som er gjort, og jeg vil
vise respekt for USAs nye leder. Det ser jeg som en naturlig kristen-plikt. Jeg
ser det også som en naturlig kristen foreteelse å be for dem som er valgt
inn i politiske lederposisjoner. Det
forundrer meg litt at jeg ser oppslag i den kristne dagspressen som skaper et
rama-skrik av at kristne mennesker i USA faktisk ber til Gud for den nye
presidenten. Det skjedde da vitterlig med Obama også, uten at det den gang var
noe å bemerke. Det betyr ikke at kristenflokken hyller en Ave Caesar! Det betyr
heller at det er håp, for Gud hører bønn og er virksom gjennom mennesker og
gjennom Ordet sitt. Her er det snakk om vidsyn med evighetsperspektiv.
søndag 13. november 2016
Americans, who are you?
I lived 20
years in the USA and I have learnt to treasure and appreciate the ordinary
Americans. They are people who do their job and are content with the fruits of
their labour. They are politically aware, particularly on local issues. They
vote. They share opinions and ideas. The ordinary Americans enjoy life.
The crowd I used to hang out with
was probably more idealistic, more opinionated than most of the people I meet
in Norway. It has to do with the kind of direct democracy which is active in
regular elections, where you have to vote on issues – like raising taxes to pay
for the Zoo, the local schools, the sports stadium to keep the pros in town,
etc. It has to do with caring for your district, you neighbourhood, your family
and friends. They also believe in democracy.
The ordinary Americans are painfully aware of the US foreign policies,
as they are the families who see their young teenage sons enter into military
training. They are the mothers and fathers, the sisters and brothers who learn
to live with fear and patience, who need to find courage to back up their own
offspring, as they are sent into the war zones of this world.
US military are called upon to
provide brute force, to deal with disturbance of confusing conflicts and forces
of evil in different part of the world. Whatever they do, they will be
criticized. I think it gives off a rather bad odour when Norwegians find it
necessary to mouth off a sour criticism. They do not send their loved ones into
harms way; they sacrifice nothing.
To me, the ordinary Americans are
decent people, willing to give and share, willing to help where needed.
This past
election was complicated for most of these ordinary people. The Democrats
ditched Bernie Sanders and promoted Queen Hillary. It seemed like she had
earned her right to be first. Although I disagree with Bernie on many issues, I
value his contribution to the political scene. He is real, has always been an
idealist, and he is willing to work democratically and politically in order to
solve problems.
Hillary lost the game to the most
unlikely Republican candidate ever. It makes me wonder if many had the
sentiment like: Anything but Hillary,
even Trump. Whereas the press gave
the impression that Hillary was entitled to become the next president of the
USA, the ordinary Americans revolted and decided the better bet for them was on
the self-made billionaire with brash manners, unschooled in political
correctness, unskilled in debate technique, and with little traditional political
experience. Since the choice is really only between two, one will be preferred
over the other.
In Norway, not surprisingly, all the
Christian leaders interviewed in the newspaper Dagen would have voted for
Hillary Clinton. This generation of Norwegians are not used to think much on an
independent level. Most people have the same opinion. Ok, I must admit that I was no Trump-fan, and
I would have voted for a third-party candidate, sort of in protest. It puzzles
me that peace-loving Norwegians would unilaterally go for a power hungry,
aggressive warmonger with a rather careless treatment of classified material.
Her name is associated with fraud, cover-up, people committing suicide in the
wake of misconduct in the Clinton trust fund, but Norwegian Christian leaders
must not consider such things as too bad, I guess.

I spoke with an older couple in the
Mid-West, a retired couple in their 80-ties. They have worked hard all their
lives. Lately they have had some challenges with the health care since the
introduction of the new health reforms under Obama’s administration. Their benefits were down and the health care
costs were up.
They were happy to see a guy like Donald Trump come on the scene. There
was a new sense of optimism. He is a pragmatic and has good negotiating skills,
which he has used in business.
I admire the old couple. I have deep respect for them. So, they welcome
Trump: interesting. It does not make them racist or sexist, nor greedy or pretend-Christians.
It does not make them ignorant, easily fooled, self-interested or isolationist.
They are ordinary Americans embracing new trends. What makes America great are
people just like them, and the citizens of America will always be their best resource.
Only Americans can make America great again – and, by God's grace, power and love, I
think they will.
For us Christians, it is a good time and opportunity to pray. God may move the hearts of men and women. Politicians are ordinary people, but they carry the responsibility for the common good of citizens and for opportunities these people have to contribute. It is a good time and opportunity to do what is good in our communities and to live peacefully with all as far as we can.
søndag 6. november 2016
On the Morning of Nov 6
I woke up to a dark November morning blanketed in white
snow. It is always mesmerizing to see the first snowfall of the season. Nov 6
is very early for snow to come, even here in the cold north. I have not heard
the snow ploughs yet, so I think we may be prepared to walk to church this
Sunday morning. I sing in the little church choir – often we are like an octet
– but our masterful director has grand plans, and it has been his hope we could
sing from Faure’s Requiem before he retires. And today we are singing Libera Me, Domine and Pie Jesu in Latin. It is All-saints Day
in the liturgical year. The songs have been churning n my head in the wake
moments of the night. Peculiar tunes they are, for I sing alto. And the text of
Libera Me is rather somber. It is an
existential cry to God to save me from the eternal death.
It is real. There is no happy-go-lucky sentiment that Jesus
is our buddy and of-course-we-all-go–to-heaven, no matter what we say or do or
believe. The text in Libera Me has a
sense of fear and trembling, and there is an either-or.
I had a small devotional for the students at our school the
other day. We are prescribed texts to dwell on, and I was given Matt. 7, 15-23,
and after the warning against false teachers, we meet the words: “Not everyone
who calls me Lord, Lord, will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but the ones
who do the will of my Father.” And Jesus explains that on the day of reckoning
many will come to him, in protest and say: Hey, you can’t do this to us. We
were the real thing: we did miracles and stuff in your name! Of course, they had this notion that all was
well in their Christian life – and Jesus never knew them. Now, that is a
wake-up call. It is a wake-up call for me in my settled, cozy Christian state
of mind.
He is Lord, and I am known by him like a shepherd knows his
Lord, have mercy! Give us rest, eternally.
Libera me
Libera me, Domine, de morte
in die illa tremenda, die
quando caeli movendi sunt et
dum veneris judicare saeculum
per ignem.
Tremens, tremens factum sum
et timeo dum discussio
venerit, atque ventura ira.
Dies illa, dies irae,
calamitatis et miseriae.
dies illa, dies magna, et
amara, amara valde.
Requiem aeternam dona eis,
Domine, et lux perpetua
luceat eis.
Libera me, Domine de morte
in die illa tremenda, in die
Quando caeli movendi sunt et
dum veneris judicare saeculum
per ignem
Libera me, Domine de morte
Libera me, Domine!
Deliver me, O Lord, from eternal death,
On that dreadful day, on that day,
When the heavens and earth are moved,
When Thou shalt come to judge the world by fire.
I tremble; I am seized with trembling,
And I fear, when the desolation cometh, and also the coming
That day, day of wrath, of calamity and misery.
A day of great power, and it is bitter, very bitter.
Grant them eternal rest,
O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
Deliver me, O Lord, from eternal death,
On that dreadful day, on that day,
When the heavens and the earth are moved
When Thou shalt come to judge the world through the fire,
Deliver me, O Lord, from eternal death,
Deliver me, O Lord!
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