mandag 22. februar 2016

Powerful Words; Pathetic Verbosity

I have been reading the Bible. I read the Letter to the Hebrews on Sunday afternoon, and today I continued reading the letters to the churches in Corinth, Ephesus, Philippi and in Colossae.

In the letter to the Hebrews, I was struck with the grandeur of the risen Lord Jesus Christ; and I was emboldened by the strength that was in the words.
…”but in the last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom he also created the world. He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power.” (Hebr. 1:2-3)

God has spoken to us.
Should we perhaps listen?
He has spoken to us by his Son, Jesus.

On occasion I stumble onto popular fields of study in theology. For some time the quest for the historical Jesus has been in vogue. The would-be theologians act like scoffers who think they can squeeze out a complete sketch of his earthly life in their ‘Jesus-studies’, naturally, devoid of any divine attributes. Under the pretence of coming closer to truth, they deny the Lord of the Universe.
            In the perspective given in the opening lines of the letter to the Hebrews, I see a strong and mighty Christ, one who upholds this universe, one who holds our total future in his hands. And I see the self-important historical-critical scholars scurrying about like small black ants in an anthill: going nowhere, doing nothing useful, only scurrying about. They are the confused ants, the ones who have lost their sense of direction. But with their many words, they claim authority to deny the authority of the Word. Sad.

Jesus is appointed the heir of all things.
This world and all in it, this entire universe belongs rightfully to Jesus. The worldly things, the evil in this world and all the powers of defiance – belong to Him. Interesting. This means that the whole world is under His domain. All and any will answer to Him.

God created the world through Jesus.
This expression has come up in the gospel according to John, as well. Jesus was there in the very beginning, with God. Yes, I know; for he is one with God. He is God.

“He is the radiance of the glory of God” –
The majestic image, beyond this world, beyond our imagination, is the victorious Christ.
“and the exact imprint of his nature” – of God’s nature. He is one with God in being, nature, essence, and majesty… Pantecrator – this is the reigning Christ in the Orthodox Church tradition.

And who do we think we are?
Face to face with the Lord of creation, Lord of the universe, who do we think we are, to belittle His word? In the name of science, knowledge and progress, theological and philosophical inquiries have turned to trying to outsmart the Lord of all. Pathetic.

The texts of the Bible we have today are willed by God to show us the way to peace with Him in Christ Jesus, no matter who penned them. The texts speak; they attest the truth and the might of our living God.

If theological and philosophical research would benefit the growth of the church (the body of believers), if it would encourage faith in Christ, it has value. If it would build up the believers in their faith and lived life, it has value.

Jesus upholds the universe with his power.
Honour him.
Jesus Pantecrator, SanGiovanni, Florence

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