lørdag 25. april 2015

House concert

 Welcome - if you happen to be in the neighbourhood:)

Today I celebrate 500 hits on the blog:) Not bad in 3 weeks! I never thought anyone would care to read my stuff. And what is more interesting, I read from the stats where people log in from - and of course Norway and the US are at the top, trailed by South Africa, Ireland, Ukraine, Venezuela, Malaysia, Netherlands and France. It is fun!

David, piano and cello

The house concert was a joyful success!

The neighbourhood house concert was David's idea. He contributed with own compositions on piano and on cello, in addition to some ferocious rag time - and he accompanied Ingri, the flutist. They played a wonderful Bach piece together. Niklas shared a couple progressive jazz composition and it sounded like Wyndham Woods. I sported a cabaret song, and later a deeper song with the guitar. The young girls sang and played a silly song and enjoyed it immensely. It was a tiny bit naughty, and it made them giggle ("Hvis dine ører henger ned"). And, yes I shared a poem, a silly one, too. Jerry taught us a Hebrew song: Hodu l'Adonai ki tov, ke le olam chasdo.
       Most of us knew the Norwegian song,"No livnar det i lundar', a song welcoming the spring - we sang together.

We have a great shire...

It was time to chat:)
Time for tea and goodies.

It was time for play.
There is always time to play.

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