lørdag 23. mai 2015

Hearing the Spring

Mountains and woods here in the spring time teem with life. All sorts of critters buzz about, birds chirp gaily and fly quickly between tree branches, either courting or nesting. The butterflies flutter about, too, and they spread such joy. I walked rather slowly up the hill, taking in all the sounds that had been dulled down for many years. I heard the gravel under my steps, I hear the intense insect buzzing, and the force in the waterfall.

There was wind and sunshine, as if nature caressed my cheeks. I let my mind wander freely, and was thinking about a set of ethical arguments and legal ramifications in a potential discussion; then I let it go and stared at the sheer beauty of a ravine with patches of sunlight between the trees, and the movements of the running water.

True, my hearing had become gradually worse, and yesterday i was at the hospital to get my first hearing aids. They were adjusted to the right level by a technician, and I will go back for adjustments if needed to within the first three months. I am on day 2 and I love them. I am rediscovering the world of sound.

There is nothing wrong with silence. I see the inward focus it may bring. And naturally, I can seek solitude and silence with my hearing aid.

Apart from that I made an order of some books for the summer, and I look forward to go and pick them up! I ordered in the US, and I will pick up in the US. It saves me the toll;) Ok, that was a joke - but I do look forward to seeing my son and daughter-in-law in Cincinnati!

The Holy Place: Architecture, Ideology, and History in Russia

Knowledge and Christian Belief

The Orthodox Veneration of the Mother of God 

To the Other:
 An Introduction to
the Philosophy of
Emmanuel Levinas 

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