In our days we have lived through eras
of rationality, of sense-based truth claims, of empirically based
science ideals, philosophies of materialism and naturalism. We have
seen the pitfalls of the Enlightenment, stumbled into the dark of
nihilism, and still come out into the land of wondering: what is
real, what is truth? Beyond my horizon is another horizon.
How do we know about the things we
intuitively sense are there - things unseen, things of an inner or
outer world, a spiritual reality...? Even as a Christian, the answer
is not easy. God reveals himself in history, and in direct speech,
direct encounters. God became man and lived among us: Jesus. We have
been given God's Holy Spirit, who will help us understand and live in
relationship with God. That is such a miracle, and it does not
depend on my own faculties. The relationship, however, does imply
experience through our senses. It does not 'sneak in' any back way
unconsciously. Anyway, it is easy for God - he does not have
restrictions, other than the ones he might put on himself for our
But how do we communicate about this?
And how do we speak of other aspects of life - of truth and beauty,
for instance? Our language is in the arts. Some is verbal, yet more
than prose; some is non-verbal, and we connect immediately, as from
heart to heart.
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