mandag 28. mars 2016

Culture and Change

I have often wondered: what is it that drives a culture, what is it that causes change?
Is the fine culture an expression of change that has occurred, or is it a driving factor in itself? What or who is the catalyst for change?

From time to time I see artistic expressions in paintings, or in music, and I wonder if it is expressing a philosophy, or if it is on the verge of creating something new… And last night it dawned on me that the answer to this question is obvious. It is not at all strange, not unexpected.
            What causes change is the individual who goes against the grain, who challenges the status quo. The catalyst for change is sometimes a madman, sometimes a fool; but he is allowed to be himself, and not subdued in the dye of conformity. It is the genius of an individual who is not afraid to take the risk of being opposed; and the contribution he brings is sometimes only valued after some time, even after his death. For anyone to be truly heard – even if it takes time – he must have something valid to say, something we all slowly realize has much truth to it.

Is change always good? I believe that is an ethical consideration, depending on what the change entails. It is a necessary question; it needs answers. Culture, change and ethics are interrelated, for we talk about the common life in our society.

I guess when I think of fine culture, I think of various esthetic expressions; and what does it express? I think of paintings, poems, stories, buildings, music… The challenge is to evaluate this contribution ethically without at the same time eradicate the newness and mind-shattering contributions which will cause cultural change. It is far too easy to gag a new voice because it is not recognized for its value.

An ultimate mind-shattering and new contributor to our life and culture is Jesus Christ. He steps into our history, and in a point in time he reveals God to the present day culture. He brings life through his death. He brings eternity into our temporal world. We see how an encounter with Him changes people’s lives throughout history after this entry. And we see how he still, today, has the power to transform lives, to bring hope and joy and peace into dark and dreary places.

Rembrandt: Christ in Emmaus

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