lørdag 23. april 2016

Sense of Loss

I have a string of entries in Norwegian on my blog recently. There are things I reflect on which relates to issues here in the country, and on occasion I send things to the newspapers. They have online debate forums, and often I see my contributions in the printed versions of the paper, as well.

I have a sense of loss, but at the same time, new optimism. I learn how to live as I live. The sense of loss is connected to the development in our church denomination – which is complicated, and I have found it best to withdraw from the organization. I have no new affiliation at the moment; it feels liberating, at least for a while. I still meet with the local believers.

I have lost a friend, partly due to strong objections to how to relate to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is painful to see; and I have meddled – probably too much, and need to back off. But with this loss of faith comes the loss of friendship. The Lord himself is not finished with my friend; I will leave all in His mighty and creative hands.

I have a sense of opposition of a different nature, spiritual oppression, and I see a family member struggle. I see the pain, the need for rest and restoration. How to build up after a collapse, I don’t know; and it is hard to connect with anyone with knowledge and experience about it.  We can talk and listen, hug, laugh and pray; I can fight in prayer – and my faithful Saviour listens. In due time, He will answer.
Politically I sense the loss of democracy, morally the sense of dignity.
I see the ugly head of anti-Semitism rearing its head in the political arena.
I see the taunt and aggression from the pro-gay crowd as they share their intolerant bias against the ones who might not support their cause.
So, I put in my two cents of words in the public arena, and the hail pours. Such is life.

I sense a loss of innocence in our nation; but that might have been a delusion.

But I rejoice in the Lord, who gives me power and strength for each new day, who guides me and guards me in my dealings with people and issues. I care, sometimes too much, and I learn to back off. I care for people, and I carry them in my heart, bring them before the Lord in prayer. I am shy and introverted, but a creative soul. Sometimes I burst with creativity, most of which come out in words these days.
I am the Lord’s and He is mine.

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