tirsdag 4. august 2015

Wise men and Smartypants

As I am reading excerpts from book V “Of the Lawes of Ecclasiastical Poiltie”, by Richard Hooker, an English clergyman in the 1500s, contemporary of Shakespeare, I marvel at the wit and wisdom this man shares in his writings. He painstakingly explains and discusses who Christ is, - his Divine and his human natures and all the implications thereof. He thinks theologically, and expounds the context and deeper meanings of what it means to be in Christ, and Christ in us.  He is clear, even dogmatic, without being stifling. He argues from Scripture, from church tradition and he uses his reasoning power. He is an advocate for ‘redeemed reason’.
His language may be too challenging for today’s smarypants, On occasion I meet the attitude that we know better these days – a relic from the evolutionary thought patterns, naturally. We have discovered a good many things in the last few centuries, I agree. I am thankful to live in this day and age. I have a long line of people who have gone before me, who have struggled, searched and found. People have pondered, thought and written. There is a depth in the traditions of the church, which I stare at, sniff at, and slowly start to learn from.

Richard Hooker, 1554-1600
Life will always have aspects of struggle, if it is worth living. I struggle with my self, my motivations, my limitations, and at times I battle with God himself. He is patient, and He knows my heart. I know. I know He is God, but I call Him ‘Dad”.

I read some newspapers today, as I did yesterday. Hm. Our enlightened and liberated world…in darkness of evil and minds chained, bent to destruction – I am normally an optimist and have no need to dwell on the destructive elements. It was just that the idea of superior knowledge and standard by the all-knowing smart alecks, alias smartypants…and what do I see? Insane cruelty, slavery, people being sold as sex slaves, politicians attacking the civil rights of my people, militant anti-Christian actions by wolves in sheep’s clothing (and this will be people who claim to be Christians but deny Him by their acts and words, still talking smoothly and deceiving)...
I also see brave souls speaking some plain truths about sexuality: that there are men and women in this world. It is a natural fact, but it is being challenged politically and socially. Try this concept in the cat world; they have a better sense than many enlightened smartypants! But the concept of “gender mainstreaming” is a new challenge. 

The truth is that people are people, and we have not changed in essence from the beginning of time. We are ethical creatures. We are relational. We need to reach out and relate to God and to each other. The truth is that every generation needs to be regenerated by the power of Jesus Christ. We need a new heart, a new Spirit, new hope! And this is what we have to give to the confused and depraved enlightened smartypants.

            If I sounded depressing, forgive me. I have a great hope for this life and for the one to come. Why? Despite all the madness in this world, I know Jesus is the sovereign ruler. He is patient, but just. He is our redeemer and our judge.

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