torsdag 8. oktober 2015

And the Deaf Shall Hear

I visited my mother yesterday.
Again I could touch those soft hands. I could hold them, just a little.
I looked into her blue-grey eyes. She knew me. Some bonds are beyond words. I thought she looked good. Her white hair had a nice cut. She sported a long jacket my sister must have provided.
Mamma, 91

Her hearing is rather bad, and I speak directly into one ear. It does not encourage conversation.
We small talk, smile. We share a little nonsense. And then we grow silent together.
What can I say? What can she hear?

There is something quite remarkable that always happens when I pull out the old Bible.
She listens attentively. She hears the Word.
Is my voice any stronger? I think not. Did she suddenly have a moment of normal hearing?
I do not think so; but this always happens when I read from the Bible for her.
I wish I could say she listens for words she recognizes. I know she does not; most of what I read out loud is new to her. She was not a Bible reader in her active years; but now she has a believing heart. She is a practically deaf woman (who refuses hearing aids), who listens.
I do not care for magic, but I know God is there. I cannot think anything else than God is opening her ears - and her heart responds.
We read Psalm 91.
I said: This is your psalm, for you are 91 years old.
It is a beautiful Psalm. She loved it.

We prayed The Lord's prayer together. I know it in many versions by now, but chose the oldest version. She new. This she may have remembered.

My mom has dementia. Her memory is fading.

Somewhere in the building someone sang softly. So, I started singing, too. I am a dumbkopf when it comes to remembering texts, but I know the melodies. I sang, as words of some spiritual songs slowly came back to me, and I saw the same sort of thing: The one who cannot hear, heard the song, moved with her body, tapped the rhythm, shared her joy. I continued with songs from my preschool-years. She taught me those. Silly songs! So, when I stumbled in the words, she knew them and carried on - out of tune now. I realized she could not hear;the music was in her heart.

I love my mamma. I love those soft and gentle hands.

2 kommentarer:

  1. That was really insight Anna well done... Lets hope she hears and see's the Lord Jesus within her heart.

  2. Thank you, Jack. It just dawned on me now that...well, she is born in 1923, which makes her 92 years old! I guess I have to read her Psam 92 next time:)
