onsdag 4. november 2015

The Fake and the Real

A post-modern mindset is a frame of mind where there is no complete assurance about what is and what is not. This opens for flexibility, for differences, for the option of meeting each other half way, in understanding and appreciation. The post-modern strands of thought are not altogether destructive. One good and constructive element in the culture is a reaction against modernism, where shape and form were more important than meaning. In modernism, nihilism flourished – an oxymoron in itself – and the desperate, the lonely, the alienated individual lashed out with graffiti on vast cement walls, and their songs resembled male cat combat with frenzied rhythms. It was a long day’s journey into night.
            The emergence of a reaction to this took many forms, from empty, inflated consumerism, yappies in their stride to conquer their worlds, to art with meaning and message (although not easily detected), there was a celebration of décor – even beauty, but also this more humble approach to what is true. There was a search for meaning and a deep need to shed what is fake. 
‘Humble’ is word with positive connotations. If I replace it with ‘hesitant’, ‘relative’, ‘diffused’, then I awaken to react. My reaction to modernism is to reject the hopelessness, and share the hope I have in forgiveness and reconciliation. There is a God. I celebrate the beauty of people around me; I am intrigued by words, shapes and sounds, which confirm my own belonging. I love my life. I live in a constant interaction with the Giver of Life.
            My reaction to the many facetted aspects of post-modernism is one of knowing who I am, and that my identity is not bound up in the fleeting images of truth. Because I am anchored in the One, I am not adrift.
The challenge to discern what is fake and what is real can be met successfully when we have the center in God’s being and his Word, as this constitutes an absolute. The Spirit of God discerns truth. Furthermore, he does not keep it to himself, but imparts his wisdom. May we receive this gift with humble hearts.

"Lord and the Giver of Life"

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