søndag 1. mai 2016

Minimalists are without colour

I love spring.
I love summer.
I love autumn.
But I think I am allergic to winter.

As I walked on the muddy dirt road up the hill behind our house, I cherished the shades of brown. I enjoyed the pebbles in grey and white. I let my eyes rest on the old mossy tree trunks that were comfortably showing off their intense green décor. All the colours of the forest floor comforted me. I thought about the white majesty of winter. Then my mind wandered to the bleak white and gray impressions and the dead silence in the woods in winter. 
            No offense, but I reflected upon the present day minimalists, who, in their interior décor like all things white or light shades of white and grey. They must like winter, I thought. They must like the cold. Since I know some minimalists, and they are warm people, I decided what they might like was a certain serenity in the colourless environment, and then – when a person appears in the minimalist interior décor, he is like a colourful silhouette, clearly visible, clearly present. Well, I had to find something positive about it. But I could never live in the lack of shape and colour; it feels like you enter one of these rooms in a morgue, a room for dead people to be kept until burial, and where all the walls are symbolically white.

When I rest my eyes upon the shapes and colours of the forest, I am comforted. The very nature confirms me in my being. It is full of shapes and bursting with colour; but it resonates a calm in me. For some reason I want to think about the baroque art forms: intricate, ornamental, and intense in shape and colours… When I have the chance to stare at it in real life, I am mostly intrigued, partly overwhelmed and not quite able to communicate with it. It is different if I meet it in a museum or in a church setting.

Ah, church:  large cathedrals and church architecture  - I long for it, but it cannot be without content, not without truth, not without Christ Jesus as the Lord and Saviour of this world. The true church must proclaim the gospel of God’s redemption. Otherwise it is useless.
The true church is not minimalist in content! It is large, messy and colourful; it is boasting in colours, shapes and forms – for it responds to the message of life beyond this world. Brilliant!

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