tirsdag 5. april 2016

When My World Wobbles

It is one year since I started this blog. One year ago I was delighted to dwell in the sacred space of a church building. I was at home, comforted, enriched, sensing the presence of the Lord in the moment of fellowship: in the prayers, worship, hymns, in the Word and in the bread and wine…
Kvitesid Kyrkje front doors
            This year I am sending my letter of withdrawal, a statement saying that I withdraw my membership from the church as an organization – but that does not mean that I withdraw from the fellowship of the believers. I am ever so much part of the church of Christ.  What happened, which leaves me stranded, is the lack of real leadership in the church organization, and the misguided politics of the bishops. They shy away from standing up for the truth of the gospel, the sanctity of marriage, the authority of the Word of God.
            On the local level, we are left without pastors for the time being. One moved locations; the other leaves the priesthood. I may still meet with the local believers, naturally. It is traumatic to feel like a stranger in your own home, but we may find ways to live out our faith – in fellowship, to the glory of God.
I sat this morning and thought about the last year  - and it seemed a long year. I have voiced my opinion in different media, and it has caused some recognition. I am starting to look forward to the future. I would like more time to read and write, more time to creative activities. Well, I have an interesting job as a teacher in a college prep high school, a private Christian boarding school located in a picturesque village in Telemark. But in the future I may study some more history of ideas, take classes in arts and crafts, in aesthetic theory – and wander in and ponder the fascinating world of sacred architecture. What captures me is the earthly structure which reaches beyond this world of matter, and into the realms of metaphysics: into the real of God’s domain.

Kviteseid Kyrkje, altar
When my world wobbles, it is an opportunity for God to make great changes. So, I am truly looking forward to new discoveries of life.

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